October 19-23, 2020 organized and hosted virtually by the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
All calls are now closed.
We encourage submissions of papers, tutorials, panels and musical works on topics related to CSMC and MuMe, including, but not limited to, the following:
systems capable of analysing music
systems capable of generating music
systems capable of performing music
systems capable of (online) improvisation
systems for learning or modeling music style and structure
systems for intelligently remixing or recombining musical material
systems in sound synthesis, or automatic synthesizer design
adaptive music generation systems
music-robotic systems
systems implementing societies of virtual musicians
systems that foster and enhance the musical creativity of human users
music recommendation systems
systems implementing computational aesthetics, emotional responses, novelty and originality
applications of CSMC and/or MuMe for digital entertainment: sound design, soundtracks, interactive art, etc.
surveys of state-of-the-art techniques in the research area
novel representations of musical information
methodologies for qualitative or quantitative evaluation of CSMC and/or MuMe systems
philosophical foundations of CSMC and/or MuMe
mathematical foundations of CSMC and/or MuMe
evolutionary models for CSMC and/or MuMe
cognitive models for CSMC and/or MuMe
studies on the applicability of music-creative techniques to other research areas
new models for improving CSMC and/or MuMe
emerging musical styles and approaches to music production and performance involving the use of CSMC and/or MuMe systems
authorship and legal implications of CSMC and/or MuMe
future directions of CSMC and/or MuMe
Please see the following pages for more information: